Rest in peace OPPA
Bells are ringing!!
I could see myself in a wedding gown with the guy I can love then.
Now, I am fantasizing myself in a bridesmaid or jie mei gown! o(^o^)o
I ♥ gowns.
Bridal shop shopping is fun; especially when you’re not the bride. =x
So many things to ask, so many gowns to choose from, so many packages to decide! But seeing the tired, confused yet blessed face on my dear friend, I am seriously happy and excited for her!! I don’t mind doing sai kangs for her on her big day! Hoho!!

Some of the ones we visited. Sophia bridal's service is damn good! Taiwanese are indeed friendly people!
Not again!!!
Decided to go for a haircut before the “big” day just after I teased my friend for having a ‘ben ben’ haircut, and here I am with a “magnificent” cut.
On 09/01/2010, I got myself a haircut of one of my favourite fruits – watermelon.
Today, I got myself a haircut of one of my favourite food – mushroom.

And you can continue the story yourself~
Time heals?
It takes a lot of courage to make the decision to ‘delete’ a person you love dearly, and the process is extremely difficult and painful.
I hope it’s true that “time heals”.
There are things that you might never get over with. Like once upon a time a closer friend of mine told me she finds me ‘fake’. It has been about 12 years since she made that statement, and I still can’t get over it.
In my life, there are many incidents when I am easily hurt by words and incidents deeply. When I am knocked down, I can stand up easily in front of others, but I can’t to the ones that knocked me down.
A friend of mine once told me “Why care? They were the ones who gave you up. It’s pointless brooding over them and this matter, crying and getting yourself hurt.” How I wish I can behave that suavely with that “heck care” attitude.
I came to realise it’s really important to love and protect yourself. Like what another friend of mine said “Only you know what’s best for you. Don’t force yourself to accommodate or do things you don’t feel like, it might turn out causing more detrimental injuries to yourself.”
Thus, I choose to avoid or ignore, to protect myself.
Time can heal your attitude in seeing that person, but for my case, it seemed that it’s difficult for time to heal the scar in me caused by the statements or actions of the person.
[張震嶽] 無路用的人
每天我醒來在床上就在發呆 我的腦袋跟天花板一樣空白
昨天在幹嘛 明天要幹嘛 我的靈魂 似乎不在我的身上
唉呀 未接電話那麼多 我想 狗屁事也非常多
好希望 這是一場夢 可以讓我 輕輕鬆鬆忘掉很多
哇勒幹 怎麼可能會是一場夢呢
我很自由 可是沒有工作 是一種痛苦的自由
我在ㄍㄧㄣ什麼 我在怕什麼 也許 自由 是我逃避的藉口
誰能夠告訴我 我哪裡出了錯
反省 是多麼重要的事情 可是我到最近才慢慢了解
笨蛋 這兩個字我常常罵別人 現在 我只會罵我自己
我了解自己嗎 不知道 都已經幾歲啦 還不知道
這幾年 用盡所有力氣 試著證明我跟別人不一樣
懶覺啦 我的白痴自信和白痴驕傲 害了我
女朋友也跑掉 我還懷疑她媽的 她跟別的男人上床
原來問題出在我這裡 我沒聽她說 她心裡面的話
我真的好想她 但美夢已不再
我很欠罵 我是傻瓜 我好辛苦失去方向 我在懷疑 我在忍耐 我在等待我在幹嘛
我很欠罵 我是傻瓜 我好辛苦失去方向 我在懷疑 我在忍耐 我在等待我在幹嘛
我很欠罵 我是傻瓜 我好辛苦失去方向 我在懷疑 我在忍耐 我在等待我在幹嘛
我很欠罵 我是傻瓜 我好辛苦來 跟我一起唱 (一起唱 x 6)
度日如年哪 支離破碎的生活 我就像是沒靈魂 在街上晃呀晃
像一灘死水 一種絕望的感覺 沒有多餘的眼淚來可憐自己
沒有人陪我 寂寞的街上 霓虹燈閃耀 它似乎在笑我
喔喔喔 啊哈哈 無路用的人 (一起唱 一起唱 一起唱)
啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦
啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦
啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦
啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦 無路用的人
[Bubble tea! The strawberry milk tea is superb with real chunk of strawberries!]
They are so obsessed into hunting sea turtles, so much that they even came out with a fishing technique (longline fishing) that uses thousands of baited hooks from a single line causing intentional deaths to the sea turtles.
Luckily there’s a place to protect them! \(^o^)/
Tortuguero (Region of Turtles) ecotourism national park at Costa Rica, with the help of Caribbean Conservation Corporation (CCC), was established to specifically study and protect the endangering sea turtles.
The villagers are also actively saving the turtles from the predators. Not only are them, even the poor turtles trying very hard in preventing their species from endangerment!
The nesting process is as long as 2 hours, a very tedious and tiring process. Sea turtles belong to the marine and they have difficulty staying on the land because of their flippers that are not suited for dry land. And they have to travel all the way from the middle of the shore to the dry land despite their inapt flippers, after which they have to travel back the sea to rest when they are already panting for breath!
Toy Story 3 in 3D!!
Storyline was heart warming~ (I cried again!)
*now I know why mezzo melz wanted to watch two times!*
Toy Story is indeed a movie for me!
I always feel that every toy is a living thing, that they have feelings. And watching this movie made me feel so at home!
I ♥ all my toys!!!
That is why I always feel the pain when my mom throw my toys away, and when I am forced to discard them when they cannot be repaired.
Call me emotional, call me weird, I ♥ toy story!!

I ♥ Aliens, Mr & Mrs Potato Head & Peas-in-a-Pod!!

“Oei! Come find me on Monday! I made drinks for ya’ll~”
“Ehhh! I also made some dessert for you all lei!”
And so, we were quite busy in the morning going in and out of the pantry, serving our drinks/desserts.
It made me wonder, is there anything that this colleague/friend of mine can’t do? He’s good in arts, music, studies, and now.. cooking?!

By the way...
I might be suffering from Narcolepsy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcolepsy)!! The feeling of an uncontrollable need to sleep during the day occurs many times, any time and it will always happen when I am at a sedentary situation!
Went to see an optician finally! *sighz
The uncle was quite professional, unlike the 15 minutes one at Marina Square. The only bad thing is they doesn’t have wide varieties of frame.
I didn’t know I can be that picky even when selecting frames. Looking at the table full of specs that I tried, even BD was taken aback. But we managed to pick a studious looking one (no black frames for me~ D= ).
Re: Orchard Road Flood
Came across this amusing picture from facebook regarding the recent Orchard road flood.
Re: Movie
Karate Kid is awesome! Jaden Smith is so adorable and the boy who bullies him in the movie, Cheng (real name Wang Zhen Wei) deserves applauses for his good acting! The movie is inspiring yet hilarious in many scenes. It never fails to get me all inspired with the quotes and the true spirit of being a fighter from stories about martial arts.
“The only way to stop it, is to face it.”
“There’s no such thing as a bad student, only bad teacher.”
“Kung fu will see how we put on the jacket and take off the jacket, and let you see how we treat people. Everything is kung fu.”
“Life will knock us down, but we can choose to take back up.”
“Win or lose, I don’t want to be afraid anymore, and I am still afraid.”
What shall I do with the extra? Hmmm……
♪ Save 50% of it!!!!
♪ Get a new pair of specs *MUST!!*
♪ Continue my bollywood class! and sign up other courses?
♪ Colour my hair?
♪ Buy a new phone? Samsung Galaxy S!!!
♪ Go on a short trip?
It's been a while...
Then suddenly at 5pm, I experienced a sharp pain on my head, followed by strong hammering impacts. My speed slowed down that instance and couldn’t really focus on even the simplest question like the period(s) to extract the data. This was when I realised I’ve overworked my brain.
My poor brain~