
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


"Fevers" after the Holidays

Holiday to Medan, Ipoh and followed by Kuala Lumpur is a good break from the reality and how I wish the travel journey can continue for long...

Few months ago, my partner asked for a transfer to a new setup centre and this was approved with lots of regrets. The overloaded things that my partner do was emphasised at every opportunities that she have with the Director but the concerns were never taken into serious consideration and not to even say, plans for improvement. Thus, my partner was smart enough to grab when opportunity came along. For this, her workload was finally taken into consideration and was successfully segregated out to the respective sections responsible. Everything came too late.. If only they have planned with execution earlier, things will definitely improve. Which is why the sayings, "regrets comes when it's too late".

I have been going for meetings very lately and this is really draining. No contributions you can say in my roles at meetings, but seriously, what is there to contribute when you are treated as an amateur and when your idea came out of your mouth too late. Slow in digesting information I admit, but to sit in a LONG discussion beating around the bush and with noise pollution, at times, it's really not effective to have such meetings.

Looking at the datelines that I have on my list, and the tons of job that I have to take over my partner, I just feel like I'm losing myself. Does anybody know and cares about what I am seriously doing? It may seem no value add to the section with my "Finance Officer" title, but the operational work is definitely in a time-consuming manner that you can never imagine. So much for "that's why people say employing FO is of no difference as employing a Mso". It's really disheartening when you are indirectly termed as "brainless" just because the method you took is not effective.

I was given this title, I did not asked for this title.