
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


I need !!!

DARN! My Mp3 player is giving me faulty jams and ear piercing shrieekks!!

Someone please get me a new player? Whahaha!

Shouting out to Lili!!! Shouting out to Mr Yeo!!! Shouting out to Ah Bui!!!

Lili~!! If Europe happens to have any cheap grabs, help me buy~!!! Xie lo~!
Mr Yeo~!! I know what you can buy me on your TW trip lo! Kekekeke! Understooded?
Ah Bui~!! I know you dote me the most.. can i...??? *innoccent eyes*

Haiz... think it must be my sweat causing my jogging companion (mp3) to be naughty. =.=

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