
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous



Life have never been so colourful and full of laughter if not for my dear quality friend - Lim QingLi aka Lili aka Ah Li oei~

I swear ive never ever WHAHAHA and HAHAHAHA that loud and that much in front of my friends and family, not to even mention.. the public.

Thanks to Lili~ Who just seem to "dig out" the ugly and cheeky and madness in me always. Acting stupid, imitating characters with weird tones, coming out with stupid shop names translations, and.... making me ROAR in public in SG.. in HK.. everywhere.. anywhere~

Im fortunate that she didnt record my laughter and baka tones and store it as ring tones~ It will be so freaking embarrassing~

However.... I juz wanna say "My Little Princess *Pukes!*... " I cant continue anymore~

I cant believe im spending my first 3 days of 2009 with her~ WhahahA!!

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