Had been thinking of whether to get myself a notebook or a netbook, but later feel that a netbook would be nice considering the price, weight, specs and all. Was initially very keen on buying ASUS EeePC coz I happen to come across it a few weeks ago when CBG, BIL and myself went down to SimLim but bought MSI Wind instead.

Got the Angel White (2nd from left) coz there's stocks left for white and black only
Had came across this brand at some IT stores before, but never really took note of it coz it looked like some cheapo China product. But like ASUS, it’s actually a Taiwan product and furthermore, it’s highly recommended by Sebas (a friend of mine who knows pretty much about gadgets and stuff), so I went to check more about it.
The specs are much the same as ASUS EeePC, but the freebies that MSI is giving out at the ITShow are more attractive than ASUS's. So, MSI Wind U100Plus netbook is my 3rd notebook!!! =D
Suntec Convention Centre was extremely crowded coz there are many warehouse sales like Burberry sales, Crazy warehouse sales etc going on too. 12.20 pm only and it’s already quite packed with people and I’m already feeling worried that my netbook will be out of stock, with forums yesterday saying that stocks are running fast!
Actions were pretty fast when Mr Yeo finally reached the convention centre. We went straight up to level 6, straight to the booth (there's floor map at level 1), asked the necessary about the netbook, paid for it and OUT we go!

Went back to the convention centre at around 4.30pm coz Lili's meeting us there. We wanted to go for the Burberry sales, but the escalators were blocked! Due to the overwhelming crowd at the upper levels, announcements were made to enter one hour later! *faintz! And Lili couldn’t even make her way through the Citylink underpass to Suntec and we can only meet at Marina Square. =.= What a waste!!
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