Lovely Christmas Pressies from My sis, Toby and Fiona =(n.n)=
I have never enjoyed Christmas this much!
Christmas exchange with some of my closer colleagues last Friday was unique wearing Christmas hat along the way from Raffles MRT to Swensens at ION.
Alex and I went down to the Jurong Warehouse for BCP rehearsal with the Division heads as coolies. Walking the long stretch of bumpy road to the canteen under the hot sun back with 19 packets of rice is definitely tiring! And we weren’t even appreciated for our hard work! -.-
Attended my Poly/Uni friend’s wedding at Fullerton Hotel on the night before Christmas Eve and the food was fantastic! I love the mushroom balls served during the cocktail session especially! It was a pleasant night chatting with Liesl and Elsyne throughout the dinner (With Abeely and Delvin playing on iphone~) and catching some glimpses of my lovely Jan and the bride.
Christmas Eve at work today was a totally relaxing day with simply no mood for any work to be done! Got a very lovely present package from Toby and a gorgeous flower balloon from Lily Kortika delivered by Benne. Also received Ferrero from Fiona and hand-made desserts (carrot cake and jelly) from the mamas. Not to forget the few days ago present from Alex!

Flower balloon from Lily, It was kinda "deformed" and looked like a fan instead of a flower in the middle of the day =x
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