
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


“I wish I could go travelling again~”

I’m hearing this song ‘I wish I could go travelling again’ by Stacey Kent in the middle of my work and I suddenly have the urge to go backpacking alone!

Recalling the first memorable trip on board cruising, crossing over on my first budget airplane and ferry rides to Hong Kong and Taipei, and the recent non-budget airline to Perth.

It was real fun getting out of the country, with my family and friends. Seeing different things in different countries and enjoying the relaxing life spending the days just shopping, eating, laughing and walking aimlessly, stress-free.

A few years back a friend of mine suggested going backpacking for a period of time when we have the money, time and freedom.

And last year, another friend of mine suggested some ‘experience working in overseas’ package.

I was really tempted.

But I have to come to the reality.

The travelling life that I enjoy is a relaxing one. Free from stressing about losing your way, adapting to the lifestyle of the locals, working for a living and many more.

I don’t think I’ll be able to survive independently in a foreign country (I’m not even totally independent here!), and most important of all, I don’t think I am bright enough to see things. I can even get cheated of my sympathy towards a stranger asking money from me when he has sufficient to pay for his purchases~

In short, it should be the exploring journey & quality time spent with the friends around me that I enjoy?

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