
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Back to the reality

It has only been a few days since I'm back from my rejuvenated trip and I'm feeling listless again.


¤ checked my mailbox and damn it's the peak period again, which means I'll have to bring work back home/work in the office on most weekends again~
¤ colleague have been showing me foul face at work which makes me wonder "what the?! Did I do something wrong NOT talking again?!"
¤ gathering have been cancelled.
¤ received surprising yet irritating emails from someone whom I don't think I have any relations with and she totally freaked me out. This could be one of the dramatic yet scarier cases of over-possessive and mistrusting of your partner in a relationship.
¤ more colleagues/friends leaving the company and what took me SO long?!
¤ got a shocking news from ____, which makes him the 2nd colleague/friend/brother that made me cried over a similar issue.
¤ My dear Lee Hom, the music man's latest album "18 styles of martial arts" will be released at a later date.

But well, there's always something for me to look forward to no matter what. And I shall make use of these coming events/activities to keep me moving! *WOOSH!

P.S. Mobile blogging is fun!! =P

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