
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Lunch reunion

9th August 1985, the day we "met".
5th January 1998, the day we reunite.

He was my "boyfriend" for 2 years.
He was always teasing my swimming skills.
He, together with Sinister Tan, always abuses me with force.

We parted 2 years later and today, we reunite once again!

If not for facebook and SP, we wouldn’t have gotten back the “good” old days we had together. With his invitation and my acceptance, we had a great lunch today.

Reminiscing our Secondary school days and sharing with each other the impacting incidents we had in the parting 10 years. It was awesome, and I’m looking forward to more of such meet-ups with my friends.


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