
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Working Sux

"xiao jie xiao jie, closing leh"
"closing near leh"
"it's time for you to work overtime together with your staff"
"yes, overtime. I want to see you work overtime."

This moment, I felt so unappreciated.
Working in the office after office hour is overtime.
Working at home after office hour is NOT overtime.
I must support my staff by staying in the office with them, when my Deputy Director is planning on holiday trip during this period which we are "not allowed" to leave punctually.
What a grrrrrrrrrreat mindset.

When people pay you money, it's your (Accounts Payable) responsibility.
When you collect fees from student, it's AP.
I really wonder how she graduated and how she became a Director.

Sometimes, I admire her for her firmness and power in dealing with difficult lecturers, etc.
But MANY times, I (we) just can't stand her.

This minute she can say "poor girl, she's new yet have to handle such huge responsibility with so many tasks. I think she's overloaded"; next minute she cay say "you need to have more projects".

What is this??

I'm so overloaded, so pressured but I have to look cheerful at work because of many reasons. I am SO suffocating that I broke down crying so hardly for the first time after so long because of work. I really hate to feel weak, but the pressure is unbearable.

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