
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Floor Plan

The floor plan of our new office is already up even though there's still 4 months more to go~ The plan is something like PIL's finance department. The seniors will be sitting against the walls around the office and the juniors in the middle. Only Director & Deputy Director have a room of their own.

When annyonghasaeyo and I studied the floor plan, we were praying very hard not to sit near our Director. So annyonghasaeyo jokingly said he can't "skive" in my room anymore since I won't be having any room in the future. (.-)" *I'm controlling my fists.....

I'm not looking forward to the new office at all seriously. Well, I guess the only thing that I'm only interested is how the pantry will look like. Will there still be contaminated water? Will there be a cleaner fridge?

Anyways, I am very worried for closing now. I have never done closing (not even weekly/monthly closing) in my life, and now the thought that I have to do SO many listings, reconciliation and audit schedules really dreads me. I am anxious yet listless to start on it. And it's only a few days away!!


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