
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


TGIF Again!!

WOOHOOO!!! The day is nearing and I am SO excited!! Mezzo Melz have been counting down everyday! Making us so feel like leaving immeditately!!

1 0 more days to Malacca Trip!!!
不需要等很, 我们就会在马六甲了!!!
彩缤纷的旅游, 你 期待吗?" – I created this!

Fridays have never been so relaxing like yesterday’s after SO long! Took half day leave for a movie with Sebas (Lion feigning studying at home… TSK!), the Hangover Movie Part II!!!! Like part I, it was awesome and even better!! Laughed like mad throughout the movie, and yes! Throughout! This time round, Stu self-composed another song in Bangkok and HAHA! Alan is such a sweetie~

Met the other Jie Meis in the evening and we had a long & “life-taking” night! Had fun mocking over pictures of Lion’s gay-nism and some cam-ing actions on the escalators and stairs. The most memorable incident is the part where I almost got knocked down by a speeding car upon hearing Lion’s “CROSS!” Grrrrrrrrrrrss.. If not for my dear Jan, I would be laying in the hospital now… *PUI* Luckily I’m still in one piece blogging!

We Cam-ing at POMO TCC Stairs

We Cam-ing at TAKA Escalator

Dear Jan, my twins, my life-saviour!

Jan said I look like the shaking head kitty~

Hmmmm, or probably, something good might happen like 大难不死,必有后福?Hohoho!

My lovely, sweet & thoughtful temp staff made this~

Love our LION lah!!! *muacks* *hugs*

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