
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


It's Coming!!

Things just come suddenly when you're going on long leave; think I'm getting more daring or rather, a "who cares?" attitude in me now that I can reply my Designated Director "I'm not XXX's RO" when she told me "as a RO, you should blah blah blah..." I mean, the staff is old enough and already have their own and almost impossible to change/improve mindset and attitude, who are you as a junior in age, one who earn much lesser life experiences than them to pin point his/her working habit? It is already good enough that those who holds a higher ranking tried advising things in an indirect, yet quite obvious way at times. A leopard doesn't changes its spots not until it die~~

Anyways, it's all over and I'm opening my arms to the land of thousand smiles in 11 hours time!! WOOoHOo!

Luggage's packed and it's only 3/8 filled. Going light and coming back heavy is the way! =D

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