
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Baby Justin in the House!! and.....

B.Y. is sick in the house~ T_T~

Monday feverish
Tuesday feverish
and I was slogging till late in the office and home, working.
Wednesday was better
and I was sweating myself from aerobics.
Thursday the cough came
and I stubbornly went to the Gym with my colleagues.
Friday my throat hurts like mad!
and I was indulging myself in Kim's Family and cups and cups of Soju~ *yummmmms*
Saturday was feeling so-so
and I was squeezing with the crowd at NATAS.
Sunday, I couldn't think about it
and I was enjoying myself with the morning yum cha at Imperial Treasure with my dearies.

Baby Justin came over for camping
and I can only see him from a distance, not even touching him~ T_T~

Monday is back
and I had a morning adventure around Clementi and West Coast in the storm *poofs*
I decided to be good, and went to see a doctor.
Gotten myself a MC for Tuesday,
and now I'm typing this while Baby Justin just...


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