
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Love you, always.

I was weary of you when you joined the Department. You took all efforts to prove yourself to be harmless. We became lunch buddies, and of course friends as time passed. We play prank on each other, teasing each other to the maximum and there were always roaring laughter around our cubicles.

Sweating on your forehead is a significant action whenever we experienced gulps in DMT. A good IT Co-Chair of mine, you always go to the extra mile to help me in all the human labour that I needed. A great team player too, you never fail to cooperate with the sections and never fail to put a smile on people who were feeling low.

Like a doting Brother, I am fortunate to have earned the thoughtful gestures from you. The little treats, the listening ear, the good advices. These will definitely be marked as one of the good memories I had with you.

There must be a lot of unfufiled wishes.... I believe you are watching over your family, your friends and those that love you as much as you do. You will definitely be watching over us on the other land.

Love you, my dearest Brother.

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