"I don't understand why people can promise something or say something if they never mean to do it? Why can't you just not give someone else false hopes and shut up? At least that will make them feel better?"..............
"Men often lie and even though women know that they are lying, they still choose to give them the benefit of doubt. Women are SMART yet STUPID in this case. Smart because they know the guy is lying. Stupid because they still choose to believe the guy who's lying."...........
In my opinion.....
Sometimes, promising somebody might be an assurance to him/her. May the assurance be now or forever, its still an assurance and this might make them feel good at least in that moment.
People always think of what will happen now than what will happen in the future. They never think of the consequences. Just like giving promises. Men often lie because women think a lot. Because of this, their lies might be to prevent another heartbreaking and hurting quarrel?
Women are sensitive creatures. Women likewise, choosing to believe in men's lies might be to prevent them from getting depressed over the issue?
There's a saying "the more you quarrel, the more loving's the couple".
It might be true. But it might be incorrect too.
Many relationship ended because of constant quarrels/disagreements. And to put it in nicer word will be 'incompatible'.
Women might be smart to know that men are lying and they might be stupid on the surface to believe in their lies. Maybe.... that is because of this stupidity that help sustain the relationship? Hahaha...
Compromise is the word for building up a peaceful relationship. That is what i believe.

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