Have not been shopping at this time for years! Since the poly days where Chingu and I were still 6pm "cinderellas". Lol.. Well, infact ya, I am still a 6pm "cinderella".. but i am an expert in making up excuses now. Haha. No worries.. my excuses are healthy execuses.. Might not sound convincing, but at least i can be out of the "cage".
Was supposed to meet oppa for lunch today. But that Mr Yeo screwed it. Lol.. Ok la.. not his fault.. is his Vivan's fault.. Lol... Guess i can only pass oppa her taiwan noodles on other days.. she must cross her fingers that i can control the temptation and not eat away her taiwan noodles. Hohoho...
My insomnia is back! Tossing on the bed from 11pm - 4am is so tiring and waking up at 6am is making my tiresome worst! By lunch time my "battery" is empty and blinking. Chingu say im like a powerless ultraman - Blinking heart. =.=
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