2 whole days of SFP. It was boring. Absolutely boring. Ive nvr coloured that many letters in my life (thanks to lili who somehow influenced me in gor-ing letters in my notes ever since poly...*Awww.. i miss schooling with her~) and ive nvr drawn so many non-artistic pics in my life.
But i muz thank PIL for having this programme still. It reminded me of my schooling days, sleeping throughout some of the lectures (especially in my uni days, where there's only theory.. theory.. and MORE theories..) =.=

Yannie's tortoise~ Not bad lar.. But the tortoises in my room are cuter~
Yannie's eyeballs.. Somehow, i find that it looked like 皮蛋s to me.. =x
Now my immature drawings.. I can only think of these kind of drawings.. My drawings sux.. I know..
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