Went on shipping tour today~! A break from work, a break from calls, a break from using my brain cells. Hoho~
Reminded me of my Primary and Secondary school days. Excursions to the zoo, homes, museums, science centres etc. Those were the days.. always getting all excited to these after school programmes, rushing up the bus hoping to get a nice window seat. Competing the speed of the buses on the journey. Lining up, listening to teacher's command. Running around the place like nobody's looking. Shouting and screaming like nobody's complaining.
Its different now, no more screaming and running, no more rushing up the bus "snatching" seats. I feel so old. Nah.. i should say ive matured~ Whahah!
I was so shagged after the ship tour. Climbing up flights of steep steps in an enclosed and hot place. And was totally knocked out after our last destination at JDC. Fortunately my boss was kind enough to let me go off after the excursion. So sorry for those (err.. i think the rest?) who have to go back to work for another hour. Hohoho~
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