Time passes real fast. 12 years ago i was still in Primary 6, a girl in her puberty, growing and gaining weight, not to mention, a constant TAF Club member, failing my PSLE preliminary exams, playing and slacking away. Now.. Hoho~
Well well... Im carrying forward the fulfilments ive laid down in 2008 - Career, Travelling, Slimmer & Healthier, Investments, Future Oppa and Family Bonding in 2009. HOhoho!
[Intact List]
1. Career - To continue be a Budget girl if im given a chance after March 09 and strive to take more initiatives and be more confident in my "speeches".
2. Travelling - To be able to travel to another country, preferably Australia (initially going around Dec 08, but was on hold coz of work issues)
3. Slimmer & Healthier - Jog more (was lazy the past 2mths), Join more walkathons, Badminton more, Swim more, Guitar Hero more (fingers exercise).
4. Investments - To open a new bank savings + investment account and to purchase life policies and insurance after March 09.
5. Future Oppa - Well well.... nothing much to elaborate and specify on. Juz hope CBG and BIL dont keep "So how? who and who okay wat~" Thanks~
6. Family Bonding - CBG and BIL.. keep up the good work of visiting on Sundays and some other days~.
1. Improve my skill in socialising with new people in groups
2. Revive my baking skills since mummy brought out the oven~!
3. Catch up with long-time-no-chat friends virtually or physically
4. Improve my badminton skill, level up the game with lili!!
5. Have more chats with Papa and Mummy~
6. Strengthen my Korean Conversational skills!!! Getting ready for 2010 Korea Trip~!!

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