
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


A pleasant day~

My forever lazy soulmate, BD came all the way from his workplace at Millenia Tower to my workplace just to meet me for lunch! (Erm, of course he have other ulterior motives~) Haven’t seen him since last year and my goodness! He is still that boyish looking even with his laugh lines and stubbles.

I was called for a “talking session” with my Boss after lunch. I’m glad I had this session with him. We chatted like friends, and I am relieved that he is supportive and encouraging of my decision.

Went for aerobics class in the evening and I was shocked to see the dancing room packed! There were only about 12 students in the previous class, and it was so spacious that we can do L and even V jumpings around the room. Now there are 25 students! But it was a fun one. With more students, there’s more laughter.

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