
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


What a day!

I never felt so "satisfying" in "talking back" to my Director. No, I didn't do it intentionally. The thing is, I was asked to share what I've understood from her suggestion to me about having a spreadsheet control for the accrual listing we have the other day during our DMT meeting this morning. As I felt a little dumb with her suggestion the other day, I did not pay much attention to it. Thus, I briefly shared what I've understood to the other seniors and she told me to further elaborate.

Duhs~ And this is when I was "applauded" by the other seniors for my bravery. I'm never good with words, and so I uses the wrong word often. So.... I replied my Director with this sentence, "Erm, since you were the one who suggested it, I shall delegate the elaboration part back to you. And I believe it'll be clearer to the others." Yes~ I used the word "delegate"~ *poof* And I only realise I've used the wrong word when my co-partner told me after the meeting. Sighs~ Luckily my Director was in a good mood, if not I'll be so dead from that moment.

Time is always never enough when you have some many things to juggle. The day passed especially fast after lunch and after a few hours I received "I'm leaving the office" message from my "twin" brother.

I'm so going to be spoilt by him if he make his promise, chauffeuring me from school when he can and taking me out for a spin whenever I feel like when I'm too stressed out working during the weekends. But, guys' words are never to be taken seriously. Bwhahaha!

Like the time when Vinny promised to buy me a watch for my farewell, but he didn't; and the time when Ah Peng say he will treat me lunch for some watch repair service from my BIL, but he didn't.

So..... bwhahaha! Nevertheless, I really appreciate his offers. For someone to offer these "services" to a friend whom we're never close to begin with, it's really nice of him considering the situation he's in now. Thanks lah Bro!

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