Sexy or Manly?
K.. den when i reached the office, my boss said i sound sexy. whaha! So i assume my voice is sexy till when i met Jan at night, den she said karma to me coz i kept teasing her borned-manly voice ever since we recorded the Paris video. hahaha! Maybe.. Really.. Is Karma~!! I tried singing with those super high-pitched tone in the bathroom, but.. still so disgusting lo! Yucks! Don like this voice!
Today still no dif.. stupid voice again. Went to buy herbal tea during lunch. And the person sold me a packet of powder to cure my flu. Yucky lo. Powder inside herbal tea. Taste not so herbal lo. And if u see me running to toilets, you all know what's causing it. End up, total cost for 1 bottle of herbal tea is $5.50. more expensive than my lunch lo~!! (=.=") gonna start digging my piggy bank again.
Im tired le.. gonna slack now.. (keke im blogging in the office) .
27012008 Zoo Trip
K.. Shant type much, CBG complained tt my blog entries are always sooo long. So everybody. Look at pics ba..
LIM SHUIN DEE is in the zoo, how can she forget her babies? But.. i didnt had a chance to visit my giant turtle. Nm, here are one kind of her babies. Nemo!
This is one rare pic man. I was planning to take the polar's pic when he's swimming. But he suddenly came up of the pool. And SNAPPED! candid shot man!

Well, apart for animal-seeing. We had to self-entertain too!
My turn to be SICK (=.=")
Ok.. ystd, went down to orchard myself and got a $99 Jeans from mango. Keke $99?! bought from OMMA LIM SHUIN DEE?? Whahaha! I couldnt believe myself too. I bought it coz there's voucher ma. Whaha! Den head down to Jurong Point to meet CBG. Actually had an eyebrow trimming appointment, but the gal had something up last min, so changed the appointment to next fri. Ok la.. at least its still b4 CNY. I don wanna go out bai nian with my bushy untidy brows lo. Den went to Shirley Mah for a hair cut. Wanted to cut Bob style. But Esther (hairdresser) say another hair style (Paris Hilton latest hairstyle) suits me more. Watever, as long as she think its suits me jiu OK lo. Outcome, Hmm not much dif from my previous hairstyle lo. Only some trimming. Kekeke..
Oh yah, rmb the last entry when i said i was kinda disappointed not going to the Barang sales at Bras Basah? Well, lucky i din go. Coz Liesl said it was super disappointing. Its not the usual Warehouse like expo, instead its only a small office, all clustered with the clothes. And Liesl bought 9 sphagetti strips tops. Well, i don wear sleeveless, so lucky ah.
Was shopping in This Fashion and saw one black shirt which was quite nice. I didnt buy it coz its black (not my priority colour for CNY) and it cost $44. So CBG suggested looking around b4 making my final decision. But.. after leaving JP, i kept thinking about the dress lo. Think i gotta go search for tt dress at other This Fashion outlet.
Kz.. tt's all for now. Gotta rest my body for ZOO trip tml~!
Interesting Quiz to Share
Okiez.. below are some interesting quiz that Mr Joseph Argiro shared with the class ystd.
Deadly Scene
A man went to a party, drank some punch and left early while the others at the party were still enjoying themselves. Hours later, the others who were still at the party died from poisoning after drinking the punch. Why did he (man) not die?
Blind Beggar
Blind beggar have a brother who died. What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died? (Brother is not the answer)
Woman have 2 sons born in the same hour, same day, same year. But they are not twins. Why is that so?
Try it out if u're bored!
So 扫兴!
Den i was super duper feeling not v well last nite or u can say today morning. Muscles were aching and didnt really feel like going out that early. So now im at home blogging lo. Haiz.. hope i will get better tml, coz i have a eyebrow & hair appointment in the late noon, and was planning to go self-shopping before the appointment. Also, i still wanna go visit my friends at the Zoo on Sun! Don wanna miss it man, since we have free entry-pass. Kekeke.
Liesl muz b finish digging her clothes n meeting her mommy now. Haiz.. Argghhh!!
Finally a rest...
K.. updates for the past days.
Sun: Run 45mins around the neighbourhood and results is, Super BIG Calves!! Hahaha! It looked kinda disgusting, a short me with calves slightly about the same as my tighs! (=.=") But one thing Lionel said is rite, don keep having a specific run route. Run whereever u like and u'll njoy d sports more. ha! Went home, CBG n BIL is already fixing something for mummy. CBG n BIL bought a Japanese doll for mummy coz she said she want. And guess wat? It costs $700 SGD total! Wah.. super rich hor? kekeke. And i received my surprise. A keroro mug. (=.=") Whahaha! Are they turning my room to be keroro heaven instead of the usual tortoises heaven? Well, i like keroro, but not so CRAZY over them k. So pls, if either one of u read this tag, pls pls pls.. u can save up. Hahaha!
Mon: Attended a breifing session about the new Miconic elevator for Millenia Tower. So stupid lo! Say wat, the system is to ease the traffic of long waiting time for the lifts and say the system is user friendly. PI ah!!! Super duper inconvinent lo! Muz tap ur access card when u enter d lobby, den tap again when u enter d lift. N wat's worst is d card reader inside the lift is on the sides of the lifts! d part where u will get squeezed if d lift close on u lo. so dangerous! And d card reader is soooo HIGH~!! Gals.. if u nv shave ur armpit, its so unsightly lo! n.. i think gals shorter than me will have trouble tapping lo. I already predict i need to tip-toe liao lo. But good thing is there's refreshment after d talk, so not so bad. haha! food was nice. ate 4 cakes n 2 puffs. (=P)
Tues: Trying to rush finish my work coz im planning to take leave on thurs, if not i'll b super super dead lo. so tired. Who knows, wah! as usual, with my efficiency (hohoho~), i finish my work before lunch time. So after lunch time, wat im doing? Playing games. whahah!! Oh yah! Whahah! One v v v funny thing happened in the morning. A silly person called me 5x in the morning at 7.24am ~ 8.15am. Since i don recognise the no, one thing i usually do is press the reject button. Whahaha! Den, tt silly person msged me "Why u keep rejecting my call?". I so (o.O) lo. den i replied "I don even know u lo!". End up.. do u guys know who is tt silly person? Its Mr Koon Lin lo. he change hp no. oso nv tell me. Si gin na ah! Nxt time u peeps rmb, change hp no. muz tell ur friends!!!!
Oh yah!!! Rmbered i told u guys b4 i encounter spooooky happenings in my room before?? Wat window scratching, aircon auto on n off, flickering screen, knocks on my door etc, I.... I.... I... captured IT~!!!
Bloated Eyes~!!

CNY Preparation (1)
Other Happenings:
Thurs, Jan felt nausea & dizzy prob coz she had too much caffeine. She had dim sums for lunch with many cups of tea, coffee cake & richly brewed coffee for tea time which is only 2hrs after her lunch! Haiz, kinda poor thing, always falling sick. And we r really "twins" le. Always kana the same sickness one after another. Haiz.. The L.S sister (Lim & Shuin) always so 体弱多病. I haven got any sickness so far after tt major "mild-depression" incident. Hope i wont get any ah~! Its such a critical period now lo.. CNY, Projects, Exams, Taiwan trip etc. NOOO~!! I cant get sick! Muz keep exercising to get rid of my body enemies!!
Fri, ate ice-cream from vending machine! What Mini-XXX thing de. I really mountain turtle le. Din know about tt machine lo. Den i was so facinated with it & i Jas was like "wah lao.. u dono meh? where where where oso got.. iyoh~~ cmi.. blah blah blah". But, who cares. Whaha! The ice-cream nt bad le! Nice! Rich in Choco! Think lili will like. Birthday pressie i shall consider buying this for her. whaha! (=X)
Interesting Article:
Received this email from my oppa, haha! Nice one!
Another Day...

13012008 Qian Hu 仟湖
Saw lotsa fishes there! Well, its a fish farm ok i know. So fantasized by the different species of fishes there! We even found ah pang's friends (Big-eyed Fishys)! Hoho!
Fishy fishy FISHY go bite the smelliest feet of all! - AH PANG's
Surrounding the fish spa is again fishes and my Tortoise Family~! Your mummy's here! So cute!! I even bought $1 tortoises food and fed them! kekek! It was sooo funny!! I went to sprinkle some of the food on the shells of the tortoises and it actually bounces! Before leaving, i even saw one of my babies yawning! Awww it muz b missing me.
Video of My Babies~!
After about 2hrs of exploring, the other 3 (Pang, Min & Shan) were famished & we went Lot1 for our meal at Ajisen. Finally i get to eat it months after i signed up for its membership. Thou my primary purpose of suggesting eating at Ajisen was to use my member card, but the seconday purpose is coz i had a v v un-delicious ramen at Ramen-Ten, Far East Plaza ystd. And the price is not cheap wo! I ordered Salmon Ra-men over there ystd thinking hmm interesting, nv had Salmon Soup Ra-men before. It turn out that the salmons is in chunks and not piece and its sweet! Also, the ra-men is disgusting lo! Not Q at all! But the soup was not bad la for me, Jan said the soup tasted salty. So.. overall, FAIL.
Ystd really wasnt a very good day. 1stly, woke up early in the morning for a CPA talk at Mariott Hotel. They said it was at its Grand Ball room, so i thot should be big and grand with plenty of seats since they open registration for CPA members and to the public. What a GRAND Ballroom it was! The room is even smaller than our lecture hall! I think maybe about half the size of our lecture hall = 2.5 of my room lo! and the worst, so pathetic. We have to STAND for 1hr for the talk! & that 1hr is only the 1st talk, there are 3 more. Due to our poor-suffering legs, we decided to skip the other talks & proceed to the CPA forum with lotsa prestigious banks, CPA firms etc. Took lotsa brochures. Had quite a few post-stick notes and whoa~! KPMG is really rich le! they gave Heavy, Solid, Metal Ink Pens!! Normally its only ball pens lo. Whoohoo~! (=X)
2ndly is the not-up-to-standard-yet-expensive ramen for lunch. 3rdly, Christopher forgot to bring his Nets while preparing to pay for a textbook that cost $82.50 & i rushed down to help him pay first, controlling my bladder that was about to explode! 4thly, It rained super heavily and the inner sole of my shoes were slippery lo! Just when i thot everything was about to go smoothly, i kana scolded by my mama again. Reason : Washing clothes in the basin. (=.=")
And today after the Qian Hu trip, i kana nagged by her again for eating so little (=.=") Really wished my CBG come back every sun lo. Den i will get less nagging. Different treatment ah~~
1st Day of School
Im Missing Her ~
My dear lili.. hope u r really doing fine over there.
3rd Day of Year 2008