Suntec Tower 2 is having those High-Class Pasar Malam with all the normal food like Tea eggs, fake shark fin soup etc. My advice to whoever who wanna visit there, pls think twice. From my experiences of Pasar Malim-ing, this Suntec kind is no kick compared to the ones we have around the neighbourhood lo. 1stly, their price is slightly expensive; 2ndly food's temperature, inbetween warm & cold. 3rdly, portion quite small. I ate sausage wrapped in roti-prata and i've waited for like mins for it to cook! and when it's finally cooked, its not hot but slightly warmed only. (=.=") This goes the same for the cabbage pancake.
Working Happenings:
Quite (=.=") but at the same time funny too. I have this colleague, whom we all not say dislike ba, but kinda not like his working attitude and the way he flirt with the female colleagues. Today, i received a fortune god email from baka & for blessing purpose, i fwd it to some of the chinese colleagues on the floor & to my friends. I din expect any of the receivers to reply the mail since it's juz a fwded mail. Then, this colleauge of mine replied me "Thanks for ur blessing, my good friend!". I was like.. ermmm... good friend? We didnt even shared our sorrows etc, and i didnt talked to him other than work-related issues. Hmm.. But, looking at the brighter side, he's being friendly and polite? Hahaha!
Next, yesterday, a mistaken delivery of a bouquet of flowers to our office. It should be delivered to Citibank office, a level below or above us. Looking at the flowers, i was mesmerized! I never loved flowers as my close friends know. But somehow, that bouquet stunned me! Though it's not for me, but i can imagine how nice to receive flowers (erm.. not those funeral ones pls). I've received plastic flowers before, but i juz chucked it in one corner of my room and threw it away after a few months coz its collecting dusts. Hmm.. Maybe one really changes when you grow?
I remember when i was still in sec sch & my CBG was in her JC or Uni days, she started putting make ups and i sweared i wont have any make ups on coz its troublesome & damaging to skin. But.. Haha! I started putting them on, and was kinda "addicted" to it after the Biz Etiquette course in poly. Now.. flowers. haha!
P.S. for people who wanna surprise me with a bouquet of flowers, i like a mixture of white rose & blue rose or White tulips. Oh yah, if you r generous, u can add in some soft-toys (preferably turtle/tortoises/moneky/bear) too! I love them! keke.. U can send it to:
First Data International
1 Temasek Avenue
Millenia Tower
Singapore 039192
Please make payment before delivery.
Also note that my co's moving in May. So i'll update when i got the new address for those who wanna give me surprises after May! whahah!
To my Friends & Family:
Everybody, pls take good care of ur health. Weather's been not soo good these few days. Heaty in the morning and thundering in the evening. So far, my papa & my dear friend Lili is down with sickness. Ok.. Lili understandable, weather in Sweden is freezing with no vatilation. Drink 8 glasses of water per day, make sure u urine for at least 3x per day & clear ur bowel movements once daily. Ok.. Omma is still omma, with all the mother's nagging. Haha!
Lastly, a LAME comic strip from my Silly friend's silly brother. Enjoy~! (^0^)

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