Went to send her off on 7th jan tgt with Jan. Everything was v fun n nice until 8:30pm, when we all bid our farewell to her at the departure venue. We hugged, and she cried when she hugged the last person, her mom. Both of them cried. Me n Jan were both holding back our tears, until i let it off when we were in d washroom, when nobody's watching. Lili has been a strong n independent gal from d day we knew her. We've never seen her shedding her precious tears over any sad subjects (only tears of happiness). She's oways encouraging us & making our day an enjoyable one. Now, seeing her cry over d period of misses, i suddenly felt a pinch in me.
My dear lili.. hope u r really doing fine over there.
Ystd was a real struggle for me. Feeling super super restless from d time i wake up. Have not been having enough hrs of sleep. Have been having weird dreams at nite & not to forget, d always disturbing midnite call frm BD. (=.=") I can even dream while im taking my short nap in the journey to work wo! But all d dreams are nt sweet or nice ones. Like i've mentioned.. WEIRD dreams. Mus b coz of tt chingu mina of mine. Oways mentioning XX-shi in d middle of our intense-yet-slacking work.
Oh ya.. Boss said her maid cooked chilli-pepper crab for dinner ystd, if its delicious, we gonna have it as one of our lunch one day! Yesh~! Can go play with Oscar & Jack Jack again! Hmm.. im actually nt excited with d meal but with d animals! Whaha! Maybe coz i cant eat crabbies coz i have sensitive skin? I shall eat bread or rice only like wat mina suggest. (=.=") Pls cook some veggies for me.. i don mind curry again. Whaha!
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