K.. Shant type much, CBG complained tt my blog entries are always sooo long. So everybody. Look at pics ba..
Zoo trip begins with the WHITE TIGER (there's only 3 in the Zoo!)
LIM SHUIN DEE is in the zoo, how can she forget her babies? But.. i didnt had a chance to visit my giant turtle. Nm, here are one kind of her babies. Nemo!
This is one rare pic man. I was planning to take the polar's pic when he's swimming. But he suddenly came up of the pool. And SNAPPED! candid shot man!
Dedictations to my friends. From left to right: Rhinos for Lionel; Chimpanzees for Ah Chang; and the always remembered one - Black Monkey for Ben Dan

Well, apart for animal-seeing. We had to self-entertain too!
It rained at around noon time, but lucky, we had our umbrellas ready.
Lastly, I get to touch the kawaii doggie at the animal show!
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