
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Another Scary Dream!!

Im having insomnia again! 1am (my usual pre-working night time is latest 11pm) and im still searching for the best sleeping position. Despite of my insomnia, im having scary dreams!! Not pleasant, romantic or sweet dreams, but scary, bloody and reality alike dreams!

Remember the last time i had a freaking murder scene dreams was only months ago. Now, a similar murder dream is back!! My gosh! Is it a sign that something real bad is going to happen soon?

Anyway, this was what i dreamt of last night.

Running a race around my secondary school compound. Wanted to run a short cut, and went into one of the old block of flats around my secondary school estate. Ran up a flight of stairs to level 3 of one of the blocks, eye witnessed a murder scene – an old lady covered with blood was pulled out of her house by the murderer. Tried to flee, but the stairs was nowhere to be found. Entered the lift (in cargo-style) instead. There was an old weird and spooky man in the lift. Wanted to press the lift to level 1 but there’s only 2 buttons on the lift – buttons for level 7 and level 3. I’m coped in the lift with the weird man and worst still, I’m lost in the block! *Cries*

This morning, when i checked on the interpretation of my dream, its all negative points about it! Saying there will be adverse changes in my life, lacking of self-confidence, and threats to my assets and finances. Hmmm.. Wonder whether its true.

If you are the eyewitness to a murder this is a warning, alerting you to possible changes in your life that you will not like unless you practice self-control and not expect others to order the situation for you.

A running dream is basically a dream of escaping a certain situation, person, or thing. If you dream of the desire to run but cannot get your feet to obey it shows a lack of self-confidence and perseverance on your part. Try sticking to your guns and see how much your life will change.

Running a foot race in your dreams show that you have an enemy who is a threat to your possessions and is envious of your acquisitions or achievements. To win the race means you will quickly overcome your adversary.

If you have a dream involving a loss of any kind, this is an ill omen and it is telling you to guard your possessions and finances well as there is a distinct chance of loss to you.

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