Well well, i was slammed with "DENISE.. You haven't been updating your blog since your constipation!" by Mr Yannn.. So I'm here to fulfil Mr Yannn's wish. I'm such an obedient girl. *I know. (^o^)v
Sleeping for 1.5 or 2hrs for Omma Lim is not unusual in her schooling days but somehow it has been quite a challenging task for her since she officially entered the workforce. Worst still, after that short amount of sleep (which i don't think I'm deep in my sleep), she gotta pull herself out of the cosy bed for a game of badminton.
Was super cranky *exclaimed by CBG that she shouldn't irritate me that morning, if not, i don't know wat Omma Lim will do to her on top of her usual pinching and/or punching skills. As usual.. *sob sob... That lili "bullied" me with her diagonal/light balls. Making me run around the half badminton court despite of my low energy & concentration-level. And she's just standing there happily hitting the ball and kept saying "Omma~ can u increase the level of the game? Please make me sweat!!" how can?!?!
Okay.. Sunday was a day that for once, i did not sat in front of my computer at all. I'm so proud of myself! I was up at around 8am for a run (gotta train for the GE run next week) and to my disappointment, think I'm not used to the morning runs, my stamina is super weak can. Running for about 2km and I'm starting to pant like hell.. BOO!
Went to Hush puppies sales with CBG in the afternoon, blue clouds were still visible when i went out, but after some hours of shopping at Westmall, it rained super heavily. No thunders or lightnings, just rain drops, big and powerful rain drops. And worst still, we have to make our way to the sales location which we don't even know where the hell is the place at.
But I'm brilliant enough to figure out the way (was around that industrial area during my auditing days). There's crowd despite of the rainy day! And we saw one family taking a cab down! My tian~! Hmm... conclusion - This sales is definitely better than the Adidas sales. Whahaha!! I bought 2 polos and 4 underwear. Cheap can!! 4 for $10 only! And its Hush Puppies! The men's briefs are far cheaper! Levis brand 5 for $8!! LEVIS ~!! Whahaha..
Sleeping for 1.5 or 2hrs for Omma Lim is not unusual in her schooling days but somehow it has been quite a challenging task for her since she officially entered the workforce. Worst still, after that short amount of sleep (which i don't think I'm deep in my sleep), she gotta pull herself out of the cosy bed for a game of badminton.
Was super cranky *exclaimed by CBG that she shouldn't irritate me that morning, if not, i don't know wat Omma Lim will do to her on top of her usual pinching and/or punching skills. As usual.. *sob sob... That lili "bullied" me with her diagonal/light balls. Making me run around the half badminton court despite of my low energy & concentration-level. And she's just standing there happily hitting the ball and kept saying "Omma~ can u increase the level of the game? Please make me sweat!!" how can?!?!
Okay.. Sunday was a day that for once, i did not sat in front of my computer at all. I'm so proud of myself! I was up at around 8am for a run (gotta train for the GE run next week) and to my disappointment, think I'm not used to the morning runs, my stamina is super weak can. Running for about 2km and I'm starting to pant like hell.. BOO!

But I'm brilliant enough to figure out the way (was around that industrial area during my auditing days). There's crowd despite of the rainy day! And we saw one family taking a cab down! My tian~! Hmm... conclusion - This sales is definitely better than the Adidas sales. Whahaha!! I bought 2 polos and 4 underwear. Cheap can!! 4 for $10 only! And its Hush Puppies! The men's briefs are far cheaper! Levis brand 5 for $8!! LEVIS ~!! Whahaha..
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