I’m so angry and disappointed in myself! Was targeting to finish up the outstanding report by end of this month (today) and I have not progressed much.
Work progress has been slow, I’m dragging my legs to work each day sick and tired of all the nonsense that I am getting; and making the same work related calls with the same responds is becoming a dreadful thing to me now.
I’m beginning to detest “words of consolation” by the non-cooperating parties. Why make your statements sound so assuring and promising when you didn’t even have the intention of making your promise in the first place?
Nobody likes to be nagged at and I don’t like myself being the irritating and nagging person too. Can’t anyone see that I’m trying my best to perform my job but without your cooperation, how am I going to produce a single thing?
If only messages are passed more effectively.
If only people are willing to cooperate.
If only people are flexible enough.
If only I can be more aggressive.
6 months, 100 dates
Whoa that’s amazing! BD told me he read over the newspaper that there’s this woman (he think she look gorgeous) in her late 20s who dated approximately 3 guys each day for 6 months until she finally found the right guy (she claimed) recently.
She told the reporters that she has high expectations and criteria in the guy that she would want to marry. Criteria like having a salary of minimum SGD8, 000 per month and with a height of 1.8m is a must in that guy.
No further details about whether her future husband-to-be met her expectations, but apparently, it was mentioned in the papers that she “loves him”.
I was discussing this article with my colleague/friend at the same time and he seemed a little unbelievable that women might marry guys whom they don’t love.
Well, recalling the conversation I had with Mr. Sin, there are women who are materialistic, who go all out to marry the guy that satisfies them whether in quantity and/or quality.
I hate to say this though I don’t belong to one of those extreme materialistic women; it’s hard these days to find couples settling down without more than stable income. People no longer live like the mentality of the older generations where a stable income and contented life enough to support themselves, the family and children were the only concern.
Anyway, it’s your responsibility in whatever decision you make~
She told the reporters that she has high expectations and criteria in the guy that she would want to marry. Criteria like having a salary of minimum SGD8, 000 per month and with a height of 1.8m is a must in that guy.
No further details about whether her future husband-to-be met her expectations, but apparently, it was mentioned in the papers that she “loves him”.
I was discussing this article with my colleague/friend at the same time and he seemed a little unbelievable that women might marry guys whom they don’t love.
Well, recalling the conversation I had with Mr. Sin, there are women who are materialistic, who go all out to marry the guy that satisfies them whether in quantity and/or quality.
I hate to say this though I don’t belong to one of those extreme materialistic women; it’s hard these days to find couples settling down without more than stable income. People no longer live like the mentality of the older generations where a stable income and contented life enough to support themselves, the family and children were the only concern.
Anyway, it’s your responsibility in whatever decision you make~
Comma for my bicycle journey
I am going to pause my bicycle learning for now. 1.5hours and I still can’t get hold of the most important and the foundation of cycling – balancing.
Like what the kind bicycle rental shop uncle demonstrated, “do not pedal, right leg on the pedal and push with your left leg; let go and try to balance the bike by controlling the steer.” Well I’ve tried but maybe not hard enough. I kept falling to my right instead of my left which I’m supposed to since my left leg is not on the pedal. My shoulders are so stiffed (maybe because I’m scared of falling) that I fall whenever I try to turn the steer.
I was so demoralised after 30mins when BIL and CBG happily rode off on their double bike. Images of Melv double biking me then flashed through and how I wish I am double biking at that moment, enjoying the breeze while getting the feel of pedaling instead of going up and down that same pathway, always falling on my ride.
When BIL and CBG rode back, I can’t help but put away my learning bike and pestered Mr Yeo to double bike me (one thing that he have never tried). Wheee! It was so much more fun double biking!
I wanted to give up learning it initially giving excuses like my fingers are too short to grab hold of the handlebar and my age etc. However, after much reflection on my journey home, I’ve decided not to give up that easily and shall continue someday. Yes, ‘someday’. =x
Anyway, at least it wasn’t a bad experience as I’ve not injured myself, just a few blue blacks on my legs, soreness on my butt and redness on my arms. And I guess Mr Yeo is pretty proud now that he can actually double bike. Well, good job Mr Yeo~
Like what the kind bicycle rental shop uncle demonstrated, “do not pedal, right leg on the pedal and push with your left leg; let go and try to balance the bike by controlling the steer.” Well I’ve tried but maybe not hard enough. I kept falling to my right instead of my left which I’m supposed to since my left leg is not on the pedal. My shoulders are so stiffed (maybe because I’m scared of falling) that I fall whenever I try to turn the steer.
I was so demoralised after 30mins when BIL and CBG happily rode off on their double bike. Images of Melv double biking me then flashed through and how I wish I am double biking at that moment, enjoying the breeze while getting the feel of pedaling instead of going up and down that same pathway, always falling on my ride.
When BIL and CBG rode back, I can’t help but put away my learning bike and pestered Mr Yeo to double bike me (one thing that he have never tried). Wheee! It was so much more fun double biking!
I wanted to give up learning it initially giving excuses like my fingers are too short to grab hold of the handlebar and my age etc. However, after much reflection on my journey home, I’ve decided not to give up that easily and shall continue someday. Yes, ‘someday’. =x
Anyway, at least it wasn’t a bad experience as I’ve not injured myself, just a few blue blacks on my legs, soreness on my butt and redness on my arms. And I guess Mr Yeo is pretty proud now that he can actually double bike. Well, good job Mr Yeo~
I’m finally going to learn cycling tomorrow! I’m so excited! Never mind with the risk of “disfiguring” my already unattractive face and body. The thought of being able to cycle around the neighbourhood (this includes cycling to the market) with the wind beating on my face is so going to be a relaxing and comfortable exercise!
Have been telling my pals that I will learn cycling one of these days, so much so that they might have already lose faith in me that I will make my promise one day as I have been pushing my plan of learning from Lili with reasons like busy with work, studies, outings etc.
Therefore I’m finally going to ECP (again) and this time it’s not going to be strolling or jogging or double biking; it’s going to be real practical learning and coaching from my "dear" friend/god-bro, Mr R C Yeo!
Million thanks for offering to teach me (I did not begged you to~), even though I know your motive is to laugh at me when I fall and to broadcast another incident of my silliness to our closer common friends that includes Ah Pang, C Y Sia and Lili. Evil~
So what makes me finally have the drive to learn? It could be from Big Walk day when Lili and Lion were chatting about their cycling incidents; when Melv double-biked me on our first outing; Yannie nagging at me for not knowing how to cycle on the other day when we went for the PIL Fun Day Out Activity at ECP; and it could also be because of seeing the other colleagues cycling happily on that same day.
Just hope that I don’t fall too seriously and ugly tomorrow! Keep your camera and camcorder!! Get ready your plasters and bandages Mr Yeo!!
Have been telling my pals that I will learn cycling one of these days, so much so that they might have already lose faith in me that I will make my promise one day as I have been pushing my plan of learning from Lili with reasons like busy with work, studies, outings etc.
Therefore I’m finally going to ECP (again) and this time it’s not going to be strolling or jogging or double biking; it’s going to be real practical learning and coaching from my "dear" friend/god-bro, Mr R C Yeo!
Million thanks for offering to teach me (I did not begged you to~), even though I know your motive is to laugh at me when I fall and to broadcast another incident of my silliness to our closer common friends that includes Ah Pang, C Y Sia and Lili. Evil~
So what makes me finally have the drive to learn? It could be from Big Walk day when Lili and Lion were chatting about their cycling incidents; when Melv double-biked me on our first outing; Yannie nagging at me for not knowing how to cycle on the other day when we went for the PIL Fun Day Out Activity at ECP; and it could also be because of seeing the other colleagues cycling happily on that same day.
Just hope that I don’t fall too seriously and ugly tomorrow! Keep your camera and camcorder!! Get ready your plasters and bandages Mr Yeo!!
Webster defines the word ‘communication’ as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour. In short, it simply means an exchange of information between or among individuals.
What happens when the information that you are trying to pass to other individual(s) got screwed up on the way? There’ll be miscommunication. And what happens when there’s miscommunication? Everybody will be unhappy and irritated.
It is therefore very important to practice effective communication with people. You wouldn’t want people to shout that you have misinterpret the original message when you have perfectly comprehended in the very first place.
The “shouter” might be arrogant when he/she has “told you off” but ultimately he/she will be making a fool of him/herself.
It’s kind to note (this includes telling him/her nicely) his/her misunderstandings, but never go “yaya-papaya” over it. You wouldn’t want to be the joker of the day you fool~
What happens when the information that you are trying to pass to other individual(s) got screwed up on the way? There’ll be miscommunication. And what happens when there’s miscommunication? Everybody will be unhappy and irritated.
It is therefore very important to practice effective communication with people. You wouldn’t want people to shout that you have misinterpret the original message when you have perfectly comprehended in the very first place.
The “shouter” might be arrogant when he/she has “told you off” but ultimately he/she will be making a fool of him/herself.
It’s kind to note (this includes telling him/her nicely) his/her misunderstandings, but never go “yaya-papaya” over it. You wouldn’t want to be the joker of the day you fool~
Why the formality?

I’ve always feel that being polite in work related e-mails is a requirement that every working mature adult should practice.
This does not mean that you have to be super formal in the content and structure of your e-mail, but at least do make an effort to greet the recipient or a simple gesture of ‘thank you’ when they have helped you in your work directly or indirectly.
I don’t know how many people will feel the same way as I do, but I seriously would get irritated when someone doesn’t appreciate my courtesy when I’m asking and/or reminding them nicely for some documents that they should be responsible for in the first place.
How would you feel if you have asked politely for a file to be sent to you and all you got from the sender’s reply is nothing but the file you have asked for previously? Well, thanks for sending the file that I wanted but I may be too sensitive here since I’m quite particular about the formality, that the first thought that would come to my mind from the sender who wrote nothing in the mail would be “Nah! Take it!”
In this case, I would be of no difference to abeggar isn’t it?
Is really a simple ‘hi’, ‘please’, or ‘thank you’ that difficult? (…)
This does not mean that you have to be super formal in the content and structure of your e-mail, but at least do make an effort to greet the recipient or a simple gesture of ‘thank you’ when they have helped you in your work directly or indirectly.
I don’t know how many people will feel the same way as I do, but I seriously would get irritated when someone doesn’t appreciate my courtesy when I’m asking and/or reminding them nicely for some documents that they should be responsible for in the first place.
How would you feel if you have asked politely for a file to be sent to you and all you got from the sender’s reply is nothing but the file you have asked for previously? Well, thanks for sending the file that I wanted but I may be too sensitive here since I’m quite particular about the formality, that the first thought that would come to my mind from the sender who wrote nothing in the mail would be “Nah! Take it!”
In this case, I would be of no difference to a
Is really a simple ‘hi’, ‘please’, or ‘thank you’ that difficult? (…)
Mr and Mrs Lee
Reading at CBG's blog entry about her hubby, my brother-in-law (BIL)'s purchase of 15 watch straps (Strap craze! Ahhh!!!...), I can't help but blog about it.
Though I know, it’s of no use no matter how many times I yell at this Mr. and Mrs. Lee couple with this word, but please allow me to do so again this time. CRAZY ah you two!!
CBG like me can never stop looking at bags whenever we are out shopping, but her craze is definitely worst than mine with her joining some forum about bags (The Purse Forum) recently and her plentiful bags collection. Just last year, she told me that she have to save for whatever reason I can’t remember, and that we have to save on transportation (no frequent cab rides) and meals (lesser restaurants visits), and she even promised herself in front of her little sister here that she will not spend on anymore new bags for about the period remaining to year 2009 (about 1 month) and she later got herself a Tommy's Christmas look-alike bag.
And this BIL of mine is exactly the same as CBG! He is obsessive about watches and anything to do with it and he can never stop buying watches and its supplies. It’s definitely a tough fight if you were to put the quantity of both their collections in competition. However, I must praise BIL that at least he’s able to put his passion to good use with his practical skills in repairing watches. All thanks to him that I am able to once again use the “Swatch” watch that Lili bought on her first bag pack trip to Thailand or Bangkok or Vietnam or Cambodia (I forgot~) years ago?
Though I know, it’s of no use no matter how many times I yell at this Mr. and Mrs. Lee couple with this word, but please allow me to do so again this time. CRAZY ah you two!!
CBG like me can never stop looking at bags whenever we are out shopping, but her craze is definitely worst than mine with her joining some forum about bags (The Purse Forum) recently and her plentiful bags collection. Just last year, she told me that she have to save for whatever reason I can’t remember, and that we have to save on transportation (no frequent cab rides) and meals (lesser restaurants visits), and she even promised herself in front of her little sister here that she will not spend on anymore new bags for about the period remaining to year 2009 (about 1 month) and she later got herself a Tommy's Christmas look-alike bag.
And this BIL of mine is exactly the same as CBG! He is obsessive about watches and anything to do with it and he can never stop buying watches and its supplies. It’s definitely a tough fight if you were to put the quantity of both their collections in competition. However, I must praise BIL that at least he’s able to put his passion to good use with his practical skills in repairing watches. All thanks to him that I am able to once again use the “Swatch” watch that Lili bought on her first bag pack trip to Thailand or Bangkok or Vietnam or Cambodia (I forgot~) years ago?
Have you ever tried bumping into the same person many times almost every day?
Well, not to say the ones that you see every working morning on your way to work and/or your way from work.
This is getting bizarre.
There’s this guy working on the same level as I do, I have never made conversations with him, we are not by any ways related with our work but I keep seeing him almost every working day!
There were times when we walked out of the opposite lifts together, saw each other when we were going to the pantry, bumped into each other when we come out of the washrooms, and even saw him walking past when I was chatting with the receptionists.
Okay, its not really that strange that we see each other many times since we are working on the same level; just like me seeing my boss, Alice, the receptionists and the pantry aunty on every working day, but we are from different departments and I don’t see my other colleagues on the same level as often.
And this week is really creepy~ I actually bumped into him about 7 times on Wednesday!
Coming into office, going to pantry, going to the ladies, chatting with the receptionists, going to the “printing room”, waiting for Alice outside the ladies and out from the ladies.
Am I hallucinating or am I thinking too much? Pinch me please~
Well, not to say the ones that you see every working morning on your way to work and/or your way from work.
This is getting bizarre.
There’s this guy working on the same level as I do, I have never made conversations with him, we are not by any ways related with our work but I keep seeing him almost every working day!
There were times when we walked out of the opposite lifts together, saw each other when we were going to the pantry, bumped into each other when we come out of the washrooms, and even saw him walking past when I was chatting with the receptionists.
Okay, its not really that strange that we see each other many times since we are working on the same level; just like me seeing my boss, Alice, the receptionists and the pantry aunty on every working day, but we are from different departments and I don’t see my other colleagues on the same level as often.
And this week is really creepy~ I actually bumped into him about 7 times on Wednesday!
Coming into office, going to pantry, going to the ladies, chatting with the receptionists, going to the “printing room”, waiting for Alice outside the ladies and out from the ladies.
Am I hallucinating or am I thinking too much? Pinch me please~
PIL Fun Out Day at ECP
Seems like any other working day, woke up at 630am~
Reached Marine Parade at 8.50am and reached ECP at around 9.15am~
Mr Law Kang Yan was late!
Reached Marine Parade at 8.50am and reached ECP at around 9.15am~
Mr Law Kang Yan was late!
Damn funny lah Yannie's brows!
Breakfast fully subsidised by the company was supposed to be a budget one (maybe nearby hawker food or MacDonald’s), but we ended up having breakfast at Coffee Bean!!
Yay~! My salmon scramble egg set!! Ah Bee and me is happy~!
Saw quite a number of PIL colleagues cycling~
I'm sorry Alice and Yannie!!
Parkway Parade was damn crowded; partly because of the promotion of iweekly magazine subscription?
Hohoho! Joshua Ang was one of the Mediacorp's artistes promoting the magazine!
Travelled for about 1.5 hour bus journey home and noticed some minor sunburns on my arms and neckline area.
Hmm, should be back to my fair skin tone by Monday~
I’m tired.
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