
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous



I’m finally going to learn cycling tomorrow! I’m so excited! Never mind with the risk of “disfiguring” my already unattractive face and body. The thought of being able to cycle around the neighbourhood (this includes cycling to the market) with the wind beating on my face is so going to be a relaxing and comfortable exercise!

Have been telling my pals that I will learn cycling one of these days, so much so that they might have already lose faith in me that I will make my promise one day as I have been pushing my plan of learning from Lili with reasons like busy with work, studies, outings etc.

Therefore I’m finally going to ECP (again) and this time it’s not going to be strolling or jogging or double biking; it’s going to be real practical learning and coaching from my "dear" friend/god-bro, Mr R C Yeo!

Million thanks for offering to teach me (I did not begged you to~), even though I know your motive is to laugh at me when I fall and to broadcast another incident of my silliness to our closer common friends that includes Ah Pang, C Y Sia and Lili. Evil~

So what makes me finally have the drive to learn? It could be from Big Walk day when Lili and Lion were chatting about their cycling incidents; when Melv double-biked me on our first outing; Yannie nagging at me for not knowing how to cycle on the other day when we went for the PIL Fun Day Out Activity at ECP; and it could also be because of seeing the other colleagues cycling happily on that same day.

Just hope that I don’t fall too seriously and ugly tomorrow! Keep your camera and camcorder!! Get ready your plasters and bandages Mr Yeo!!

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