I am going to pause my bicycle learning for now. 1.5hours and I still can’t get hold of the most important and the foundation of cycling – balancing.
Like what the kind bicycle rental shop uncle demonstrated, “do not pedal, right leg on the pedal and push with your left leg; let go and try to balance the bike by controlling the steer.” Well I’ve tried but maybe not hard enough. I kept falling to my right instead of my left which I’m supposed to since my left leg is not on the pedal. My shoulders are so stiffed (maybe because I’m scared of falling) that I fall whenever I try to turn the steer.
I was so demoralised after 30mins when BIL and CBG happily rode off on their double bike. Images of Melv double biking me then flashed through and how I wish I am double biking at that moment, enjoying the breeze while getting the feel of pedaling instead of going up and down that same pathway, always falling on my ride.
When BIL and CBG rode back, I can’t help but put away my learning bike and pestered Mr Yeo to double bike me (one thing that he have never tried). Wheee! It was so much more fun double biking!
I wanted to give up learning it initially giving excuses like my fingers are too short to grab hold of the handlebar and my age etc. However, after much reflection on my journey home, I’ve decided not to give up that easily and shall continue someday. Yes, ‘someday’. =x
Anyway, at least it wasn’t a bad experience as I’ve not injured myself, just a few blue blacks on my legs, soreness on my butt and redness on my arms. And I guess Mr Yeo is pretty proud now that he can actually double bike. Well, good job Mr Yeo~
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