
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


6 months, 100 dates

Whoa that’s amazing! BD told me he read over the newspaper that there’s this woman (he think she look gorgeous) in her late 20s who dated approximately 3 guys each day for 6 months until she finally found the right guy (she claimed) recently.

She told the reporters that she has high expectations and criteria in the guy that she would want to marry. Criteria like having a salary of minimum SGD8, 000 per month and with a height of 1.8m is a must in that guy.

No further details about whether her future husband-to-be met her expectations, but apparently, it was mentioned in the papers that she “loves him”.

I was discussing this article with my colleague/friend at the same time and he seemed a little unbelievable that women might marry guys whom they don’t love.

Well, recalling the conversation I had with Mr. Sin, there are women who are materialistic, who go all out to marry the guy that satisfies them whether in quantity and/or quality.

I hate to say this though I don’t belong to one of those extreme materialistic women; it’s hard these days to find couples settling down without more than stable income. People no longer live like the mentality of the older generations where a stable income and contented life enough to support themselves, the family and children were the only concern.

Anyway, it’s your responsibility in whatever decision you make~

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