Happy Birthday Sis!

Lunched at BIL's parents place yesterday and they got a birthday surprise for both of them! Longevity buns and hard boiled eggs, which I don't know what the eggs represents after BIL's mom much explanation. Anyways, this is so heart warming and cute!

Drank white wine after lunch and I kind of got tipsy again. I keep hearing chuckles from BIL's dad and my sis! BIL's mom even told me not to drink outside at night, and if I drink, I must be careful not to leave my valuables in the cab, etc. *orhz
Sis got herself a birthday present - a PRADA bag that cost almost S$2k!! I'm really beginning to get numb to her splurges on branded bags. Anyways, I'm also happy that I was there when she made the purchase, cause I have the chance to carry a "branded" bag. Hoho~

Went to Music Dreamer Live Cafe for dinner and what a surprise! According to the singers/hosts, this is the FIRST time they played a part in a marriage proposal plan! The scene was so 'drama in reality'! Tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks for the couple. I sincerely give them my blessings. =)

蔡礼莲 and 思源 were so funny! The connection they have is so wonderful and I love their singing! I felt goosebumps many times when they sang famous hits songs like Ah Mei’s Open your eyes and 蓝天.
I’ll definitely highly recommend this place for my future gatherings with my music lover friends!
American Idol Season 9 Finale

It wasn’t really an exciting contest this season as frankly speaking; I can hardly remember the songs that most of the contestants performed.
Anyways, the rush back home for this result show was worth it.
What heated me up was the astounding guitar jamming by Orianthi performing “Schools Out” with the legendary rock singer Alice Cooper at the very beginning of the show!
William Hung came back to the show too! He performed together with General Larry Platt of his “Pants on the Ground”. Haha! I still remember how catchy and hilarious the song sounded when I first heard it over his audition episode. So catchy that I can’t help but keep rewinding the clip.
Also, the clips for Simon Cowell over the last ten years are really amusing. The appearance of Paula Abdul and the performance put up by the previous American Idol contestants and winners was touching and definitely memorable. The only pity was Chris Daughtry, David Cook, and Adam Lambert wasn’t there with the group.
Sighz, it’s simply not the same without Simon.
“Ah girl ah, you cannot donate blood you know?”
“We can’t find your veins!”
“I suppose it’s here, if you want us to inject here, it will swell and could take very long to recover.”
“Next time remember you cannot donate blood ah!”
In year 2008...
“Girl, your veins very weak.”
“You got exercise or not ah?”
“Exercise 2 times per week is not enough hor.”
“You see you no exercise so veins so weak.”
Current 2010...
“Wah, your blood keeps flowing, I have to quickly inject the tubes to stop it just now.”
“Very good very good, you have been exercising right?”
“Make sure you don’t over work your body ah.”
So, can I donate blood now?
[全素妍] Perhaps Love
Perhaps love is like a resting place
A shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home
Perhaps love is like a window
Perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer
It wants to show you more
And even if you lose yourself
And don't know what to do
The memory of love will see you through
Oh, Love to some is like a cloud
To some as strong as steel
For some a way of living
For some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know
Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict, full of pain
Like a fire when it's cold outside
Thunder when it rains
If I should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you
Music, Food & Decision

Mr. Curry Japanese Curry & Sweet House @ Marina Square
I ♥ the Parfaits!!
Chicken & Mushroom Omelet Rice

Strawberry Cheesecake & Crape Millie Cake
♫♪ Music Dreamer Live! Cafe ♪♫ @ Marina Square
I'll be singing 《倒带》。
Sweet Indulgence Italian Bistro @ Stanley Street
Last Minute Night Out
A bonus for me at Kino, Bugis! I got a 3-in-1 book that not only has the title that I’m looking for, but also the other two, ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff at Work’ and ‘Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff about Money’. It cost only $25.95 for 3 titles, when it usually cost about $18 for one! Woohoo! \(^o^)/
Went for some Italian pasta at Creation Café, Shaw Tower; my second time there and my friend was nice enough to pay for the meal. A money-worth and satisfying meal I had especially with the dessert, brownie with ice cream! *slurps*
Soup of the day: Carrot Soup
(I'm not a carrot lover, but this soup is yummy!)
(The sauce is not diluted and it's not too creamy to handle. Unlike the normal carbonara recipe with bacon and mushroom, they added ham and sausage too.)
My favourite! Brownie with Ice cream!
(Texture of ice cream feels different. It's more "sticky" than the usual soft and fluffy ones. The brownie is simply awesome lah!)
The night is definitely a pleasant one with *muahaha* a very hilarious incident at the Library that kept me laughing uncontrollably whenever I recall or see the dummies book that he borrowed! Wuhahaha! Shall not expose the happening since he’s such a gentleman to drive me home (from east to west!). Thanks lah!
Live the Question
Human beings spend so much of their lives focusing on the negative aspects of their most difficult experiences rather than seeing them for what they truly are: our greatest teachers.
You would not have the wisdom and knowledge you now posses if it were not for the setbacks you faced, the mistakes you made and the sufferings you have endured. Once and for all, come to realize that pain is a teacher and failure is the highway to success. Begin to see your troubles as blessings, resolve to transform your stumbling blocks into stepping-stones, and vow to turn your wounds into wisdom. It is during life’s most trying times that we discover who we really are, and the fullness of the strength that lies within us.
Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not look for the answers now. They cannot be given to you now because you cannot live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present, you need to live the question.
Perhaps, you will gradually without even noticing, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.
Views from Melvin.W and Denise.L:
In order to live a happier, more fulfilling lives, we should keep shifting our perspective and ask ourselves continually, “is there a wiser, more enlightened way of looking at this seeming negative situation?” whenever we encounter a difficult circumstance.
Our thoughts do form our world, and what we think about do grow in our lives. What we focus will determine our destiny, thus we should start focusing on the good stuff.
'Life is a learning experience', look back and see how much we have experienced, stumbled and grow that makes us into what we are today. And ‘today’ is not the end. Even when we’re old and weakly, our focus and perspectives are always changing no matter how stubborn we are.
Don’t wish for things to be easier, wish you were better.
One’s greatest strengths lie in his mental fortitude, so, if we are able to prevent pessimism from creeping into our minds, then the sky is the limit.
Mothers Day
“Okie lah, so sure no PS or GV to make use of my Safra card??”
“Watch at The Cathay lah!”
“OKAY! So I think I’ll reach 5++ at PS buy tickets lah no worries”
“It’s THE CATHAY lah!”
“Aye ello~ PS movie time slot wat ah? Which time we watching?”
“OOOhHhh yah lah yah, I know it’s The Cathay, relax~”
[Reese’s Sticks] snack bar: $2 from Universal Studios, Singapore

From a colleague I just know and left, sinful bars of peanut wafers coated with chocolate. The fragrant peanut smell is so strong and mouth-watering! Thanks!
The [Astons] dinner: Always worth the long queue

[Starbucks]: 30% "friendship" discount
“Hallo! You’re XX’s friend right?”
“Studying music at…. Hark?”
“Oh, the one who plays the keyboard?”
“Yah yah!”
“Hi! I’m his friend too!”
“Okayyy, you want any discount I can give you 30% discount”
*slurpling back with his drink*
“Wahh! Really 30% discount leh! $5 become $3!”
IP MAN 2!!!!!!
I didn’t rest my eyes at all despite the late night movie!
Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung’s acting is marvelous!
Will there be a part 3???
MediaCorp artiste Rui En commented on MyPaper that “没有什么是不可能的,一切都是个人选择。” (My poor translation: Nothing's impossible, it all depends on the choices that one made.)
Hmmm, it’s always easier said than done. However, these are good motivating statements.
[蓝又时] 孤单心事
Her another song that touched me a lot is 那天 (youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdwmCR_Xt_c&feature=related)