
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous



In year 2005...

“Ah girl ah, you cannot donate blood you know?”
“We can’t find your veins!”
“I suppose it’s here, if you want us to inject here, it will swell and could take very long to recover.”
“Next time remember you cannot donate blood ah!”

In year 2008...

“Girl, your veins very weak.”
“You got exercise or not ah?”
“Exercise 2 times per week is not enough hor.”
“You see you no exercise so veins so weak.”

Current 2010...

“Wah, your blood keeps flowing, I have to quickly inject the tubes to stop it just now.”
“Very good very good, you have been exercising right?”
“Make sure you don’t over work your body ah.”

So, can I donate blood now?

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