
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Live the Question

Quote from Robin Sharma:

Human beings spend so much of their lives focusing on the negative aspects of their most difficult experiences rather than seeing them for what they truly are: our greatest teachers.

You would not have the wisdom and knowledge you now posses if it were not for the setbacks you faced, the mistakes you made and the sufferings you have endured. Once and for all, come to realize that pain is a teacher and failure is the highway to success. Begin to see your troubles as blessings, resolve to transform your stumbling blocks into stepping-stones, and vow to turn your wounds into wisdom. It is during life’s most trying times that we discover who we really are, and the fullness of the strength that lies within us.

Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not look for the answers now. They cannot be given to you now because you cannot live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present, you need to live the question.

Perhaps, you will gradually without even noticing, find yourself experiencing the answer, some distant day.

Views from Melvin.W and Denise.L:

In order to live a happier, more fulfilling lives, we should keep shifting our perspective and ask ourselves continually, “is there a wiser, more enlightened way of looking at this seeming negative situation?” whenever we encounter a difficult circumstance.

Our thoughts do form our world, and what we think about do grow in our lives. What we focus will determine our destiny, thus we should start focusing on the good stuff.

'Life is a learning experience', look back and see how much we have experienced, stumbled and grow that makes us into what we are today. And ‘today’ is not the end. Even when we’re old and weakly, our focus and perspectives are always changing no matter how stubborn we are.

Don’t wish for things to be easier, wish you were better.

One’s greatest strengths lie in his mental fortitude, so, if we are able to prevent pessimism from creeping into our minds, then the sky is the limit.

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