Lunched at BIL's parents place yesterday and they got a birthday surprise for both of them! Longevity buns and hard boiled eggs, which I don't know what the eggs represents after BIL's mom much explanation. Anyways, this is so heart warming and cute!

Drank white wine after lunch and I kind of got tipsy again. I keep hearing chuckles from BIL's dad and my sis! BIL's mom even told me not to drink outside at night, and if I drink, I must be careful not to leave my valuables in the cab, etc. *orhz
Sis got herself a birthday present - a PRADA bag that cost almost S$2k!! I'm really beginning to get numb to her splurges on branded bags. Anyways, I'm also happy that I was there when she made the purchase, cause I have the chance to carry a "branded" bag. Hoho~

Went to Music Dreamer Live Cafe for dinner and what a surprise! According to the singers/hosts, this is the FIRST time they played a part in a marriage proposal plan! The scene was so 'drama in reality'! Tears of happiness rolled down my cheeks for the couple. I sincerely give them my blessings. =)

蔡礼莲 and 思源 were so funny! The connection they have is so wonderful and I love their singing! I felt goosebumps many times when they sang famous hits songs like Ah Mei’s Open your eyes and 蓝天.
I’ll definitely highly recommend this place for my future gatherings with my music lover friends!
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