
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


3rd Day of Year 2008

Whoohoo~!! It's d 3rd day of yr 2008! And im resting at home till Monday where i'll resume to my work and school life. Kinda excited & vexed about my life in yr 08. Excited coz im left with juz ONE sem to my graduation & vexed coz im clueless with the critical path im going to take tt will >50% affect my future. Hecked.. Jus focus on the present meanwhile.. =D

I've been reading on the biography of Dave Pelzer who'd juz published 4 books about his life. How his life dramatically and emotionally changed from a kid whose once lived in "heaven" with happiness, doting parents & caring bros to a physically & mentally "distortion" state. Out of nowhere, with no reasons, his mother changed from a angel to a wicked witch. Abusing him every day, every hour. Burning him with a stove, stabbing him, hitting his face on the wall, making him eat his infant bro's & dog's poo, drowning him in d bath tube, forcing him to drink detol & lotsa toxic chemicals etc etc..

What a life. Its sooo difficult to understand a person, their doings etc.. I kinda think that there's no particular theory to psychology.
Anyway.. Im juz on his 2nd book.. Will try to finish it b4 d sch starts! Awwww.. hate it! Thinking of all d assignments, tests, exams.. nite lessons... Shit~! Gotta start organising my schedule again! Stupid~! However.. i will try to relax.. breathe in n breathe out.. don wanna c d weird doc who "encourage" me to fail my exams etc again.. (=.=")

2 件のコメント:

Just Me さんのコメント...

wah.. bee bee now read such chim books ah... hehe... good choice! And you sound so philosophical too.. Really grown up liao! ;) I also read a novel on this child who was abused.. true account...it's called "Ugly". If you want I can lend you...

임순제 さんのコメント...

OK.. Lend me~!! And.. leave comments at my chat box la~!! (><)