Kentucky Fried Chicken
Opening of KFC Singapore's very first restaurant on Somerset Road.
KFC Singapore launches the Colonel Burger.
Launch of the Hot & Crispy Chicken.
KFC Singapore is sold to KFC Internationals as a wholly owned company and in the same year, KFC Singapore opens its 40th restaurant at Northpoint.
KFC Singapore is the first KFC in Asia to develop and launch the popular Zinger, a hot and crispy fillet sandwich.
KFC Singapore receives its Halal certification from The Islamic Council of Singapore (MUIS). PepsiCo, Inc. operator of KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell creates PepsiCo. Restaurants International to centralise management of all PepsiCo, Inc. fast food business outside of USA. KFC Singapore becomes part of PepsiCo Restaurants International, the world’s largest restaurant with over 28,000 units worldwide.
KFC Singapore is recognised during the National Council of Social Service (NCSS)'s disability campaign as being one of Singapore's leading employers of people with disabilities. KFC Singapore opens its 60th restaurant at Bukit Batok.
KFC Singapore is awarded Official Restaurant for NDP. It also adopts Club Rainbow and raises funds for the non-profit charitable organization.
The launch of KFC Chicky Club, Soft serve and Multibrand stores (KFC, Pizza hut & Taco Bell) at IMM and Lido.
KFC Singapore, together with Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, officially becomes subsidiary of KFC (Malaysia) Holdings Bhd.KFC Singapore celebrates its silver 25th Anniversary.
2003 – 2005
Opening of 2 Deaf –operated stores at Toa Payoh and Fuchun Community Club.
Nominated by Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) to receive the prestigious President’s Social Service Award 2006.
KFC 30th Anniversary
WELCOME 2 TAIWAN 16.05.2008 (II)
We're shocked that the vehicles in Taipei are real speedy with cars stopping inches beside you and scooters driving in corridoors!
Our 1st Dinner in Taipei - Ding Tai Feng is amazingly delicious. Much better than the outlets in Singapore!
We're amazed by this special blue boxes in their Metro stations.. Kinda protecting the ladies at night from "wolves" ya? Lol..
Guess this is the only stall that we've found selling delicious breakfast around our Hotel district. Gonna miss its egg and bacon wrap!
Nice bakery around Long Shan area selling attractive and appetising cakes!
This is Xi Men Ding!
Had our lunch in this well-known-in-SG restaurant - Modern Toilet. Thumps Up!
How can we missed Taipei 101?!
Finally got a chance to get a feel of one of their famous activities - Hot Spring!
Hohoho~! My Favourite Night market in Taipei - Shi Lin!! Good food, good shopping.. Wat's more to ask?
Though im not in to History.. But this "museum" is much better and livelier than SG's! P.S. Taiwan's famous Fruit is BANANA!
WELCOME 2 TAIWAN 16.05.2008 (I)
Hot springs were fantastic! Though its like dipping yourself in a bathtub.. the ambience is simply undescribable. A total relaxing place after long hours of shopping or after long hours of work.
7-11 and many other convinence stores were interesting! With photocopiers inside their stores, all sorts of interesting food. Even their breads look so delicate and appetising with the nice-and-not-so-cheap-quality wrappers! Drinks sold there were special. Well.. erm.. i guess we cant find them in SG that's why i find it special? That stupid Ben Dan kept saying im Sua Gu lo.. =.=
People there were extraordinary friendly and helpful compared to the people here in SG. With students showing you and bringing you the way to your destination. And i mean real ESCORTING, walking with us along, helping us in our map reading. In SG, the best we do is point to the direction. Haha! Made us kinda feel sorry if we are not polite to them in return.
Here's our itenary:
Day 1: Dinner at Ding Tai Feng.. Jalan2 around the streets back to our "M"otel
Day 2: LongShan Temple > Xi Men Ding > Taipei 101 > Wu Fen Pu > Rao He
Day 3: Bei Tou Hot Spring > Dan Shui > Mirama Ferry > Shi Lin
Day 4: Xing Tian Gong Temple > Taipei Story House > Taipei Main Station U/G Mall > Xi Men Ding > Hello Kitty Shop > YongAn Market
Day 5: Taipei Sogo > Breeze Centre > Airport
Its never enough over there. I will surely go back to Taipei / Taiwan. The next time round.. More sightseeings and exploring~!!
Fresh Graduate
Thanks to Chingu, Ms see, Sean and Aileen who supported me and guide me the way.
Thanks to Janice, Bang2 and Lionel who listened to me and encouraged me.
Thanks all who were there when i needed some talks.
I'll be strong.. May the lion power be in me..
有感而发 (II)
Coming soon!
Browsed through some of my friend's pics in her friendster. Hmm.. Hairstyle really make a big difference and impression on how people perceive you. Similar to me, my friend belonged to the category of hair that are long and straight. But she have cut it to a little bit too short and bobbed kinda hairstyle. Nice!
With long hair, she looked feminine and studious (not nerdy but rather those who look quiet and innoccent). Now, she looked crazy, bubbly and i think that brings out her real character. Anyway, though she gave me 2 different feel, she's still pretty and nice afterall. Haha..!
Looked through our itinerary and circled out the places that we'll be going on the map. Hmm.. like wat Jan said, travelling time > Shopping time. Hahah! Guess that's what travelling is all about since we're in another country. Anyway, will go back for sure! Haha!! Mr Yeo.. dont worry la.. we will be fine over there. Hahaa! If you cant contact me on 21st May (wed).. rmb to dial 999 ah.. lol! But anyway, thanks Mr Yeo for helping me with the map-reading. Lol.. Omma Lim is a freak in reading maps.. she's only good in cooking.. Lol~! Also, thanks Mr Yeo for the souveniors! Will surely get something worth your teaching over there. lol!
Adios my friends! Omma Lim will be back soon..... Meanwhile.. take care yall~!!
In another few hours i will be waking up, going for work AGAIN! Sounds like i hate my job? But surprisingly NO! Whaha!! But likewise, i dont love it too. Ha! I juz like the feeling of being occupied with work during working hours. Just like today. I totally did not keep track of the free time i have or i am able to gain. I've been given tasks to do one after another! Hahaha!!
Luckily its all kinda simple and not brian-racking tasks. If not you'll see Miss Lim with her face frowing and "endulging" in her own world. Hahaha! Today's quite a pleasant day too. Not much stressing of negative face muscles.
If everyday could be like today or better~~~~ Omma Lim will be a happy woman.
Casual Day
Met up with our Taipei-touring members yesterday. We've changed our currency and decided on our itinerary. Well well.. no Ktv for us i guess coz no point 2 person paying for the price of 6. So guess that's the only major activity we have to decide when we get there. After looking at the rough guide of our itinerary, 5 days in Taipei is really not enough! Like what Jan said, we'll definitely be going back there down the years!
Played badminton with CBG and BIL today, there's this very irritating Cheena woman who cheated 45mins of free badminton playing time! She approached us and told us she'd remembered wrongly the booking time of her badminton slot and wanted to play with us since she's 45mins early. Well... BIL gracefully accepted her request but i was kinda sore throughout, and especially when we ended our game.
I mean its all right to have another person playing with us since we are short of 1 player, but shouldnt that person at least offer to pay for her playing? Well, we might have rejected her offer to pay but the prob is she didnt even offered! And it's not as if we're that close. We are STRANGERS! Cant she show more politeness? Maybe i have strong issueswith Cheena people that's why im kinda particular and will tend to pin-point at their human ethics. Haha!
Anyway.. i've been having bad times during work after my return from my long leave. Its not the work load that's been giving me prob. Rather, its the Herzberg's Motivator factor - Recognition that's lacking in my work. Haiz. Why cant everything be settled smoothly? Does anyone care for their subordinate? Hate the feeling of working for nothing.
Dialect Nerd
Hmm.. Is it a blessing or a disaster not knowing how to speak this "mother" language? Haha!
Now great.. Im really famous for a dialect nerd not only among my friends but to a new category - My colleagues! Hahaha!! This is wat happened among the conversation of me and my colleagues in erm.. hokkien..
Aunty: Eh.. You tomorrow no come, den i take the key from who?
Ms See: I pass to ShuinDee.. You take from her.
Me: Eh... I tomorrow no come in wo.. i Thurs den come in.
And i think i've pronounced the "thursday" in hokkien wrongly. I made the word sound like "die" in hokkien instead. Hahaha!!
Everybody around (Aunty, Ms See, Wendy, Sean, Eng Chuan, Regeit) : WHAHAHAHAHAH!! DIE AH DIE AH!! Really DIE ah!!!
Me: =.= (I shouldnt have spoken hokkien since i know im not good in it)
To Janice and Lili.... Im sorry~!!! I lose faced again!!! wrong hokkien pronounciation!! Took a long time to correct my "i tell you" in hokkien - Wa ga le gong(2) to the right one Wa ga le gong(4). Now... another hokkien word for me to correct! - Bai xi(4) to the right one Bai xi(3)!
Watched Harold and Kumar last nite.. It was totally HILARIOUS! I laughed like mad~!! But its abit censored la.. so if peeps who are more inooccent den me who dont know or cant take any nudity or crude jokes. This aint the movie for ya.. Hahah!! The $8 movie tic really worth spending man! (Thanks Lionel for his movie treat!)
Lionel ORD
Pictures to enjoy~!
Well well... our DEAR LioNeL~!