
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous



Well well.. my day did not ended after attending his ORD! Yesterday i kinda enjoyed myself very much! Though its only a day full of viewing, eating, gaming and movie-ing.. I really am loving it! As you all should know, Omma Lim is not one who stay up late partying outside till dawn kinda person, coz i have my restrictions. Ha! But i reached home at around 2am yesterday! Felt tired.. but kinda don feel like ending the day! Haha!

Watched Harold and Kumar last nite.. It was totally HILARIOUS! I laughed like mad~!! But its abit censored la.. so if peeps who are more inooccent den me who dont know or cant take any nudity or crude jokes. This aint the movie for ya.. Hahah!! The $8 movie tic really worth spending man! (Thanks Lionel for his movie treat!)

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