Met up with our Taipei-touring members yesterday. We've changed our currency and decided on our itinerary. Well well.. no Ktv for us i guess coz no point 2 person paying for the price of 6. So guess that's the only major activity we have to decide when we get there. After looking at the rough guide of our itinerary, 5 days in Taipei is really not enough! Like what Jan said, we'll definitely be going back there down the years!
Played badminton with CBG and BIL today, there's this very irritating Cheena woman who cheated 45mins of free badminton playing time! She approached us and told us she'd remembered wrongly the booking time of her badminton slot and wanted to play with us since she's 45mins early. Well... BIL gracefully accepted her request but i was kinda sore throughout, and especially when we ended our game.
I mean its all right to have another person playing with us since we are short of 1 player, but shouldnt that person at least offer to pay for her playing? Well, we might have rejected her offer to pay but the prob is she didnt even offered! And it's not as if we're that close. We are STRANGERS! Cant she show more politeness? Maybe i have strong issueswith Cheena people that's why im kinda particular and will tend to pin-point at their human ethics. Haha!
Anyway.. i've been having bad times during work after my return from my long leave. Its not the work load that's been giving me prob. Rather, its the Herzberg's Motivator factor - Recognition that's lacking in my work. Haiz. Why cant everything be settled smoothly? Does anyone care for their subordinate? Hate the feeling of working for nothing.
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