
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Effective Communication

The 2 days Communication training will definitely make an impact in my way of communicating with different people in the future. Self reflecting on my way in communicating with people during the course, I am determined to put the skills I’ve learnt these days to my life going forward.

Things I found out about my personality which I totally agree:
♪ I’m an open individual that tend to focus on relationships, supporting the needs of others and shares my feelings with them
♪ On the contrary, I’m an indirect person who are more withdrawn and introvert.
♪ I behave like a relationist where I am not very assertive and focus more on relationships
♪ I prefer close, personal ties
♪ I make decisions slowly, and am generally slow to react
♪ I dislikes interpersonal conflict
♪ I strive for security and the feeling to be part of something

And these are things that I will react when in an argument:
♪ I try to prevent arguments, avoiding them.
♪ Argumentation to me is unpleasant and unsatisfying and I have no confidence to argue effectively.
♪ I always experience communication difficulties
♪ When in conflicts, I am more accommodating and compromising.

All these only summarise and go to show that I am a calmer who gives attention more on relationships and will do my best in every situation to maintain a relationship. When something goes wrong, I avoid.

It’s really pleasant to get feedback from acquaintances about my behaviour when the trainer gets all of us to role play in different scenarios. One of my partners was amazed at how he (a competing & collaborating person) was calmed and influenced by me (an accommodating & compromising person) through one of the role plays.

I was quite amazed at my behaviour too. I was actually “pleading” my partner to help resolve the issue by supporting and agreeing with me. This shows that I am one who is of low confidence and am always worried that things might turn sour.

Good and bad for me. I shall do my best to practice more in order to turn my bad into better!

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