
我把那些不愿放大也不愿删除的记忆写在了这里。。。 - anonymous


Music Talent!

I stumbled upon this Youtube video from Facebook and mygosh! This guy is real good! It started off with my Yoga Lin's song - 自然醒 and just as I was about to close the window, thinking it's some song cover that I've already heard, this guy in singlet appeared!

It's not about the guy, but about the materials and how amazing he made use of the simplest objects that is always around us. Textbooks, pillow, biscuit tin covers.... The "drum" melody that came out was totally beautiful.

Concept could be adapted from the Korea's Stomp, but who cares as long as the perfomance earns your cheer and wonderful comments. Claps to Benjamin!

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